
“Stop the chaos in my mind and let there be silence”. I know you have those moments more than once. 

It was never quiet in my head when I was under a lot of stress or during my burnout. My mind went on like it was constantly in “jogging” mode. Sometimes, in the middle of a conversation. How annoying! 

It was difficult for me to find ways to stop the “jogging” mode. I started to make a To-Do list. I am a perfectionist, so I always had more than 20 items on the list. Of course, this was not feasible.

 I had to learn to prioritise my To-Do list. That was a challenge for me during my burnout.

The fact that I could write down everything that would come to mind day and night was a big help. I have a pen and paper in every bag because I write it down when my mind starts to go into “jogging” mode. Even on my nightstand, I have a pen and paper. I write in the dark, so I usually do not understand one word in the morning.  

Mediation can be the answer for the mind to become quiet. Even then, it is never calm. The key is to let thoughts pass by. It is like looking at a movie. You notice what comes and goes. You don’t allow yourself to think about the images passing by. And that can be so relaxing. 

Writing down all the tasks in a To-Do list and prioritizing them is one way of quietness. Learning to let the images pass by during mediation is an ongoing process. Certain days are better than others. On a good day, I am happy as that is when I have my Inner Universe day.



Your Birthright: Love Yourself


Say Yes to your Inner Voice